I wanted to share why I’ve been a bit quiet these past 2 weeks. Like I'm sure for most of you, It’s been a challenging time, with a lot happening all at once. First, my beloved grandmother passed away, and then my little girl got really sick. She had a seizure and ended up in the hospital. Thankfully, she’s doing better now—they think it was a bad gastro bug. But just as she began to recover, I got sick too, and I also ended up in the hospital.
Through all this, you might wonder how I managed to stay calm. The truth is, I've always been good in a crisis—the person you want in your corner when things get tough. But this time, my challenge wasn’t just staying calm; it was allowing myself to feel everything—every fear, worry, and emotion—without judgment.
During some of the toughest moments, like when my daughter needed 14 attempts at a cannula (which was beyond horrendous), I had to be strong for her. I had to let her know that I was who she could rely on. But afterwards, instead of pushing my emotions away, I allowed myself the freedom to feel. I reminded myself that it’s okay to have those feelings, that it’s normal, and that it’s all part of the process. A CRUCIAL part of the process, in fact. And in not feeling these things, I could be halting the process altogether. Allowing this fear and trauma to lodge rather than lift.
So this was one of my biggest takeaways from the experience - giving myself permission to feel everything was the most powerful way to create safety for myself.
If you’re going through something challenging, I hope this message gives you permission to feel everything you need to feel. I hope you can give yourself permission to feel, exist, and be as you are.
I actually had intended today's post to be about a new intitiative I'm launching called Calm Club, an Online Drop-In Non-Traditional Therapy starting next SUNDAY evening for international folks and MONDAY morning for Australian people. I'll pop a couple of details below, but follow the link if you want to know more.
Sending love and light to anyone who needs it. 🧡
With warmth,